
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Elche, Spain - City Scenes

Elche is filled with interesting sites.  This is likely due to the mix of cultures of the years, and the preservation of bits and pieces of prior and current cultures.

This map shows our path as we walked the area. The smiley faces mark the major areas that I photographed. (Source: googlemaps)

I had to make this map to figure out what the blue and white dome was.  From what I can see on the map, is simply a blue and white dome.

A variety of cafeterias line the streets.

This tiled piece was on the outside of the building and depicts the story told in "The Mystery of Elche".  Click here for a great description of the medieval play, how it is performed, how long it is performed, and other tidbits.

This brown wooden window shutter is quite fancy.

Flags displayed on the side of a building.

The plaza was a combination of small stones and slate.

This sign caught my eye! Great price for a coffee and croissant!

The sculpture is in Placa del Palau.  I am still trying to figure out what it is!

Green light...go walkers and cyclists.

A piece of the old wall originally part of the fortress.

Advertising for the cafe in the archaeological museum. (MAHE)

The walls of the fortress, now museum.

The letters area a nice way to keep vehicles off of the side walk and plaza area.  The letters spell out the name of the museum "Museo Arqueologico y de Historia de Elche" (Museum Archaeological and History of Elche).

A sidewalk cafe, seen from the bus window.

Advertisements as we leave Elche.

1 comment:

Ginan said...

I think the sculpture in the plaza looks like the old IBM typewriter balls. Wonder if anyone will know what I'm talking about in this age of computers....