

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vienna - Apartment via

Train travel from Olomouc to Vienna was uneventful and smooth. We had to change trains one time, but the systems are all similar so it was not hard to figure out the connection.  Wein.  Oh yea, that is Vienna.

My son had recommended that I look at (this is not an affiliate link).  I looked through the listings for Vienna and took a guess on what looked good. This apartment is reasonably priced and the contact Simone was very responsive. It is clean with plenty of room and good access to the Tram that goes in to the city center.  The only drawback is that I prefer to stay in the center of the city.  We have been getting home late from dinner and I get a little nervous walking the two blocks from the tram stop to the apartment. Other than that, it is fine.

Local pizza place provided lunch while we waited for the cleaning lady to finish with the apartment.

Living Room

Kitchen with laundry machine (another notorious
washer and dryer combination machine!!), dishwasher.


1 comment:

Ginan said...

Looks nice, but I'm with you about the location. It's nice to be able to walk around the city at night and be close to home. Live and learn!