Soon it was time to start the walking journey back to the apartment. As I looked at the Seine, I realized that this was the last view for a while. We had been so busy for the last 12 days, had seen so many new sights and tasted so many wonderful foods...departure seemed very far away. My eyes started to tear as we crossed the Seine and entered the Louvre for the last time (of this trip? forever?). I stopped to study the Ile de la Cite and the boats parked along the river. The architecture of the Louvre itself suddenly called for my detailed attention. The vast differences between the new all glass pyramid and the walls of the building which had stood for so long reminded me of all that I had seen before and the new sights that I had seen on this trip. I knew that I had exhausted Tina while trying to show her all of my favorite things about Paris. We were taking one last look at the shops on rue di Rivoli for those last few gifts. I lived a great twelve days. Tina, I hope that this trip was as wonderful as you had hoped it would be. May you dream of Paris, my dear friend.

I shall return, as I have much to learn.
Time to return home and continue to study French. Until we meet again, I return to my French class with perhaps a new book: The Complete Guide to Conjugating 12,000 French Verbs. This should keep me quite busy. (affiliate link)
PS: Make sure to see the movie "Midnight in Paris". Woody Allen sums it all up. You will see many of the sights that we have toured in the past two weeks. I cried to see it all again. But wait! I can buy the movie soon and watch it (be in Paris) over and over again. I will survive until my next trip!
There are so many other "midnight in Paris" ideas. La musique.
Truly beautiful pictures of Paris.
I tear up too as I read this. That's life - we never know when we experience something if it will be the first, last or only. You had a wonderful 12 days and I very much appreciated you sharing it with me. I loved every step of the way! Your dedication to keeping in communication is commendable and the hard work you put in is evident. Thank you, thank you!
Although it's very hard on me to have you gone for so long, I feel like I get to be with you every day. I just wish you had taste-a-vision so I could sample all of that food you show us!!
I can honestly say I never dreamed of going to Paris, so I had no expectations. Having your own built-in completely organized and detail-oriented tour guide gave me the opportunity to simply soak it all in. Knowing absolutely no French, I would not attempt this on my own so, alas, this was probably my only trip to this beautiful city. I don't know how we could have scheduled in one more walk or one more restaurant or one more tour. We took advantage of every moment and, thanks to Ladee, saw ~ and experienced ~ more than I could have ever imagined.
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