The entry gate looks beautiful with the pathway cut showing the cross on the top of the mountain. This wasn't cut when I attended camp in the 70s. It is a great idea because the tree growth would block the view.

Small group conversation areas are scattered around the property. The large Wesley Hall is in the distant background.
Asbury Dining Hall. I can still hear that large bell ringing when it was mealtime.
Two small cabins are now used for Crafts and Pottery. The property has been upgraded to be very accessible. You will see ramps throughout. I was only a few pictures in to the tour when I was approached by a person with a name badge. It didn't dawn on me that the camp had attendees and that I was an outsider! A group was there, and Charon was in charge. I told her that I had attended camp back in the day and that I was in town from Arizona. She saw that I was harmless ;0 and found an official tour guide/attendee for us and name badges. We signed in, promised to avoid taking photos with the camp attendees in the picture and off we went with Susan.
Captain Webb Hall is a main meeting place and residence for staff.
The stone building is Fleming Hall.
Ah, my favorite place! The Snack Shop. It wasn't open and we peered in the window to take a look.
A few upgraded conveniences, booths now instead of a lot of table and chairs. Looked good!
The front and main doors of the Snack Shop.
I peered across the large grassy area and spotted the Straughn Amphitheater. Susan, it turns out, has an interest in photography also and gave me some tips on this shot with the dead tree in the middle.
Further on the path I saw the building that was used (when I attended) to house the camp dean.
It was made in to the official "The Inn at Jumonville" in 1993. I will need to keep that in mind.Continuing on, I saw this sign and recalled the section of cabins called "The Bishops' Cabins". I have stayed in one of these.

Nice area, nice cabins but quite a haul from the Asbury Dining Hall. I see that these are now accessible also. Nice touch. Hey, what are they doing parking on the grass?? You can also see a part of the beautiful views in the distance.
Washington Lodge is standing regal as usual. I've stayed in these dorms also.
We crossed the parking lot to see the chapel. Love the red door.
One last look at the large halls from a different view. Left to right - Washington Lodge, the back side of the Snack Shop, and Fleming Hall.
At this point, we exchanged email addresses with Susan and jumped in the car. I took one last little drive to see the other side of campus. Here are basketball, tennis and softball areas.
A nice row of trees surround the swimming pool.
This is the entrance way to the King Wood area. There is a nice green chapel at the bottom, but the photos will need to wait for another trip.
For the American History buffs, this is quite an area.
It was time to move on to our next stop. We were fortunate to see a few animals along the route. This deer stopped in the middle of the road and checked us out. When we didn't move (with the exception of the steady click click of the camera), Mom Deer ran across the road, followed by Baby Deer. So cute!
Baby Deer scampering to catch up to Mom.
A wild bird, perched and in flight. Hawk? Let me know if you can identify it.
Camp website:
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