

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Selcuk (Turkey) - Turkish Baths and Medieval Grand Fortress

We continued on our way through Selcuk and the surrounding area.  This man was out for a walk and stopped to take a rest.  Very nice wall, fields and flowers lining the pedestrian walkway.

This man is working in his field, rolling the hay.  He is easily distracted because he stopped his work and watched the bus as we passed.
 This was the FIRST view of these birds. Storks!  Look at the nest on the top of the pole.
 Then I saw these and went photo crazy. They look so very cool.  These are the Ancient Turkish Baths for Selcuk.  They are being restored.  People used to cleanse themselves here using steam and sweat.  Ground dividers held water.
 As always, I check out the trash containers. This area is really clean so the citizens and city services take great care of their home.
 These are some photos of various types of building materials.  Some Phoenix homes use this type of terracotta tile roofing.
 Looks like a corrugated roof and a stucco wall.
 Block walls, covered windows. This must be fairly old because the plants have already found a home and are growing.
 This wall is part of the medieval city wall.
 The fortress sits on Ayasoluk Hill, the large hill in the middle of the town.
This is part of the Grand Fortress.

A walk around these ruins wasn't included on our tour.  I'm glad that we drove by and were able to see them.  More on the next post.

This map is for reference and shows the location of Kusadasi, Turkey.  Selcuk is in this general area.

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