

Monday, May 21, 2012

Athens (Greece) – Acropolis of Athens

5/21/2012 We are finally on our way to get a closer view of the Acropolis.

The parking lot was already crowded when the bus pulled in.  A traffic director was in charge of reducing the potential chaos.

A restaurant is available at the base of the hill. 

We are finally able to take photos without bus windows.  This should be fun.  As is the journey to get to these wonders of the world, it has taken quite a trip to be able to stand in Athens and gaze at the Acropolis.

A paved walkway marks the path.

The signs make it a lot easier to find your way if you missed the big building sitting gracefully on the hill top.

Cranes are used on the renovation project.

I think that these are drivers for the vans and buses in the parking lot. 

Our tour did not include walking the steps to the top of the hill but we were able to see a lot with the camera zoom. 

 The guide chatted about the history and you can read about the history click here.  The wikipedia site also has a map near the end so that you can get an idea of the size.
A lot of restoration work is being done.  The project began in 1975 and is nearly complete.  As expected, there is much discussion on how to restore the buildings. The section on the restoration is interesting, especially the part about the use of reversible titanium dowels for the construction.

I would return to this site when I had enough time to walk and look at the buildings up close and personal.  Perhaps I will be able to return when the restoration has been completed.

1 comment:

Norah Br said...

Thanks for sharing! I am visiting Athens on March and I am looking for some information. I would like to book a guided tour in Athens. I am thinking of something like this