

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Venice (Italy) - The Crown Princess docks

We turn at the end of the island and prepare to dock.  It is amazing to watch them dock the ship.

My head is looking right to the side and the ship slowly makes the turn and heads in to the dock.
 I paused on deck to look back at the city.
 This is a view looking as Sacco Fisolo.  We passed this in the last post, looking at the island on the left with all of the homes, and the green island on the right.  The every present tug boat is waiting, watching?
 Looking back across Venice and the Dorsoduro section.  I didn't see the ship before, but when I was looking at the photos identifying the buildings I thought "what is that big white thing?"  Well,  if it is not another cruise ship!
 Views from both sides of the ship as we make our way slowly in.

 Do you recognize anything from the last posts? I gave you maps and talked about every thing in detail, perhaps a bit too much detail.

Let's take a closer look.

Ahhhh, we made it.  Now to see some more of this beautiful city.

1 comment:

Ginan said...

Ahhh, Venice. So simple, yet so complex.

Glad I'm not trying to dock that ship!!