
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rhein River - Marksburg Castle and Stolzenfels Palace

Burg Marksburg - This castle has never been destroyed.  It survived through several attacks.  You can take tours!

 Stolzenfels Palace - Open for tours. It went through a renovation in 1840s and has become one of the most outstanding examples of German romanticism.

If you enjoyed seeing the Rhine Castles and Ruins, take a half hour and watch these three videos describing the Rhine and its castles.  The page will open the first of three videos and there are icons for numbers 2 and 3.  Click the link below to begin.

In review, here is a map of the castles, most of them discussed in the last few blog posts.  We traveled from bottom to top.

 A little repeats and then continues south on the Rhine/Rhein.
This has been a grand view of the castles from the river.  Train access runs between the towns as well as the water passage, car and people.

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