On the streets by 7:20, we used the Metro to get to stop Saint Lazare. Then we had to find the place to buy tickets for the train to Vernon. This was easier said then done. Actually, purchasing the tickets was easy, since there was a little booth. Finding the Gare [railroad station] Saint Lazare (this was supposed to be close, through a wild stretch of the imagination and miles of tunnels) was a bit more challenging. I thought that we were looking for the rail line RER E, but we were supposed to be looking for an intercity rail line. Finally headed in the right direction, I faced a MOUNTAIN of non-operable escalator stairs. I have never seen so many steps that I knew that I had to climb. Made it to the top (thinking that this trip better be good), we moved towards the station.
Once inside, I knew (again from my good friend Rick Steve's) that we had to high tail it down to the water gardens while everyone else dallied in the upper garden. WOW! Although a few tourist groups (Germans and Asians) had made it there before us, they stayed together so that when the moved, they moved as a group and cleared an area for awesome photos. I tried my German on one of the German tourists and he smiled. Perhaps he understood what I said?
Inside the house we were able to see his works. Some were originals, some weren't. The copies listed where the originals were and his work is on display around the world.
We stopped at a little stand to have a Baguette with ham and cheese and a drink. The walk back to the bus stop was pleasant. Kalen saw some wheat fields and went to take pictures. Of course, the bus pulled up then and I'm in a frenzy thinking that the oncoming masses of tour groups were going to take all of the seats and we would have to wait two hours for the next bus. But luckily, the groups had their own bus and walked right past the one into town. We hopped on the bus and went back to Vernon. With train tickets checked, we stopped into another cafe and had Peach Melba and a Banana Split. We made it to the bus with time to spare and returned to Paris...to see more Monet.
regarder la vaiseele de la salle à manger.
look at the dining room dishes .
sorry for the cold but it was not my responsability. What a trip. cannot read all of it in the sama day.
think about you. coco
I must read two time .... vaiselle
may be I will send you some of our heat.
I'll remember to look at the dishes next time and report on that.
The weather is just fine. When the sun comes out, it is very warm. The rain makes the day a little cooler, but it's not bad. I just keep remembering how hot it is in Phoenix right now.
No need for air conditioning in the room. The temperature is great for sleeping.
It was a good temperature to be in the Park by Eiffel tower last night.
Ladee, I am SOOO enjoying your blog. Your new best friend Rick Steves just sold my husband and I Eurail passes last night for our trip this fall!
Make sure that you check out his website for podcasts. This was a great thing to have tucked away in the iPods, just in case. We have used three of them for Paris already. Make sure to pick up his travel guide, as he tells you how to pick the path of least resistance. He basically reads what is in the book for the podcasts, so I plan to fill in where some of the walking and museum tours don't have podcasts and record them myself. It was easier to have the earbuds in, and follow his maps, then to try to follow through the book. We did use the book though because we could see pictures of what we were looking for. You can get copies of his PBS shows on NetFlix.
More to come!
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