We walked across the river to finish the walking tour. Our next stop was Saint Chapelle. We could use our Museum Passes, and the line was extremely long, so I went to look for the pass line. The person in charge of the line told me "same line" when I showed him the pass, so we passed on this site.
We walked across a little plaza to see the Art Nouveau Metropolitan Metro Stop sign. It's pretty fancy. I've included a normal looking one [later] and the fancy (and now protected) older one. There are several of these still remaining in Paris.
The Conciergerie was pretty interesting as it dealt with the end of the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. It was a gloomy prison for the last of the people beheaded. The architecture inside was beautiful, but the cells dim and grim. My guess is that there was so much commotion going on that no one stopped to admire the ceiling and huge fire places.
I am so glad to see how you enjoy visiting Paris . Where do you find the time to write all of thsi?We celebrate the 14 viewing a movie from Alain Resnais. the weather is perfect today. see yoy soon. coco
I have to come back to the room, exhausted, and write or I will forget all of the details of what we did. Kalen and I talk about the day and everything that happened. I have to do it this way, or I won't remember everthing when I get home from the 12 days of travel. I normally try to keep hand written notes, but lose interest after a few days. I am much faster with typing so this really doesn't take me much time. I write and then return the next day to put in photos.
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