

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Prague, Czech - Pinkas Synagogue and Jewish Cemetery

The Pinkas Synagogue was built in 1535 by Aaron Horowitz between his house and the old Jewish Cemetery.  It was initially a public synagogue but later made private and named after Pinkas, a Prague rabbi and Horowitz's grandson.

 The entrance door. From this point there are no photos allowed inside.
 Connected to the museum is a display of the art work of the children housed at Terezin concentration camp near Prague.

This is a sample of the memorial to the holocaust victims.  The towns and names of those lost.  This is not my photo but found online. 

We left the museum and walked through the old Jewish Cemetery.  It was in use from the early 15th century through 1787.  It is unknown how many are actually in the cemetery because the tombs are layered.  There are approximately 12, 000 tombstones (another site says 20,000) and an estimated 100,000 burials.

 Small pieces of papers with wishes written on them.  It is an old habit to leave them there because it is believed that the dead can fulfill your wish.

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