

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Amadeus on the Danube - Food Highlights

As expected, the meals are wonderful. Breakfast is a buffet with various meats, eggs, fruits. I normally have salmon and eggs and baked beans. I don't have baked beans for breakfast at home but somehow it makes sense in Europe. I sampled a little yogurt today. Lunch is on board ship, and is a variety in a buffet. Dinner is where the chef shines. 

Here are some sample photos of the food and menus. 

You know that it will be fancy when you see all of this setup. 

Lentil soup

Great gravy!  I had ordered the salmon but our dear waiter heard sauerbraten. When he brought it, I just kept the plate because it looked so good. Sauerkraut and dumpling in the back. 

Tortellini. I never would have thought to put just two on a plate!!

The salmon was wonderful. I had to make sure that I included the fancy knife. 


"There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign."
Robert Louis Stevenson

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