

Friday, August 7, 2015

Budapest, Hungary - All in a Day's Work

We were up early today to meet our bus for the city tour. 

I must mention that the early morning sail-in was beautiful. 

We drove through the city. The memorial to the unknown soldier was our first stop. 
After touring the low and flat side of Pest, we wound up the hill to see the sights. Here is the daily dose of church views. 

The view from the top and some Transylvania street vendors. 

We toured more, had snacks and then returned to the ship. After a light lunch, several of us gathered to walk over to the market and the shopping street. This is the entrance. (Elizabeth and Jane, it's an Aldi's!!  See the blue sign!)

This is a view of the pedestrian only shopping street. The name of the street is Váci utca. It is pronounced vatsy utsa. 

We are docked until about 10:30. The Captain is then going to do a drive by so that we can take photos of the city lit at night. I can hardly contain my excitement!


"There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign."
Robert Louis Stevenson

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