

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Paris, France - St. Eustache Concert

One of my favorite churches. There is a free half hour concert on their fabulous pipe organ on Sunday night from 5:30-6:00. Arrived right as it started and barely found a place to sit!! They must be advertising because it wasn't as full the first time I saw this. 

Stayed for the full evening mass. Beautiful. I did get a "pas pas Madam" when I took a photo of the priests walking as well as an eye roll from one of the younger ones. An eye roll!!!  Ok, so no photos during the ceremony.

We stayed for the actual Mass. The music was beautiful and the voices filled the space.  I was astonished when the collection plate was passed and there was a regular money one and a digital one! Very high tech.

Travel info and photographs: 
"Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport."
Fun stuff here: 
I can't retire. I'm 82. It's too young...Frank Gehry

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