
Friday, July 31, 2015

Prague, Czech - Holešovice

[Street Scenes on bus ride from airport to hotel in Prague] Holešovice is a suburb in the north of Prague which makes up the main part of Prague 7.  In the past it was a heavily industrialized suburb, today it is home to the main site of Prague's National Gallery and one of the largest national railways in Prague. [wikipedia]

 The GPS picked up "Letenské sady" in this area, so I had to look up that term.  In this area there is a large park that is built on a plateau above steep embankments along the Vitava River.  There are great views of Prague from this park.  Of note, Michael Jackson kicked off his "HiStory Tour" at the park on September 7,1996 to a crowd of approximately 127,000.

Traffic sign which must change as needed.  Looks like buses, horse buggies and bikes are allowed at this time.  I Googled "Prague Traffic Signs" but couldn't find this exact one.

 Industrial looking building.

 We start to cross the Vitava River and enter Prague 1 (main center and the old town area are near by).

 The Prague Castle looms large on the hill.  Our plan is to tour this tomorrow.

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