

Monday, December 22, 2014

Scottsdale, Arizona - Chris Birkitt's Winter Wonderland

I wanted to get out to photograph some Phoenix area lights and a group was meeting at Chris Birkitt's so I decided to join them.  I wanted to get there before the crowds as these things are often too crowded for me to comfortably stand with a tripod.

It was about sunset, so this mild mannered neighborhood home looked festive with the lights starting to turn on.

But as the sun dropped, the real glow began.  This is a closer view of the front of the house, with detailed pictures.

 This is hard to see.  It is Rudolph in blue with his red nose.

I walked over to the entrance to go to the back yard.
 Cozy fire pit.

 I took one last photo as I left and the colors were so, well, Christmasy.

He does not charge for admission, but does as for a donation there or on his website.

He does a really nice job.  Here is his website:

This house was next door.  I agree, if you can't beat them, join them!

More lights...I think that there is a website on "the best in Phoenix".  

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