

Friday, July 1, 2011

Paris-Montmartre - The Art of the Stroll

It is worth the quick trip from the middle of Paris via the Metro to the area north called "Montmartre". There is so much to see, and such a wide variety of sights.

The street leading from the Metro station is filled with shops and cafes

The glowing whiteness of Sacre Coeur becons you to the top of the hill.

And once you reach the top, you are rewarded with a breathtaking view of Paris.

But wait, there's more!
A short walk takes you to the center of an open plaza filled with restaurants and artists.
A singer greets you with her vibrant song.
(Enjoy Arlette's singing on this post.) 

The cafes call to you as you see plate after plate carried to the patrons sitting under the canopies.

Now it is time to find the perfect painting to take home. How can you choose?
The flowers had such a vibrant color.

The landscapes, done in shades of a color, draw your eye from across the street.
Ohhh, and look at the store front paintings on the left.

So classy!

These paintings whisked you back into an earlier period and reminded me of sepia tone photos.

Spirited colors.

And here are some of my favorite photo topics: windows and doors.  With the beautiful flowers of spring.

After walking round and round, the perfect one finally calls to you and it is whisked off to your homeland.
As you head towards the Metro, you see charming shop signs.

Quaint old windmills.

And a very famous red windmill, The Moulin Rouge.

A wonderful afternoon spent perfecting the "art of the stroll".  Or is it better to say promenade?

France - 22 Accordion Favourites From ParisParis Montmartre: A Mecca of Modern Art 1860-1920


Anonymous said...

elles sont très belles. merci.coco

Tina said...

This was one of my favorite days as Montmartre was my vision of what Paris should be ~ singing, art, eating, crowded little streets and tons of happy people. A fun, fun place!