
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Torgau – St Marien Church

Katherine (von Bora) Luther is buried here. 

I found the sign sitting in the corner. Maybe it is the
old one. I was going to help by hanging it somewhere,
but decided to mind my own business.

Perhaps they could hang the sign to the
left or right of the front door.
Just being helpful...

Pretty serious pews.

The stained glass was pretty.  I can't recall
if it was original or has been restored.

This painting is either half destroyed, or is in the cleaning process.

The floor was a mixture of real old and old tiles.
Smooth surface though.

This is in honor of Kathe, although I don't
think that it is very flattering.

A pulpit for special occasions. 

The baptismal font.

A view of the entire altar area.

Close-up view of the top of the altar.

More stained glass.  The camera was doing a
great job pulling the colors of the glass.

A close-up of the altar painting.

Oh, how nice. They added cushions.  This makes it
more comfortable.
The town is a nice town with cafes and shopping.  A major train line runs through it so it is accessible, although I don't think that there is much public transportation.  It's walkable, with cobblestones.

Wikipedia info on Torgau
Wikipedia info on Katharina von Bora Luther


  1. Beautiful pictures of the windows!

    Thank you for restraining from being helpful in another country. We don't want WWIII because some American tourist was messing with national monuments and hanging signs that say "please empty trash here and then take any fixtures you want"!!

  2. Thank you for noticing how much restraint I had to have. I had the urge to just tweek the system a little. Better to resist that urge and keep myself out of trouble.


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