

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Versaille (France) - Snowy Garden

December 2010 - I was delighted to be able to see the fountains and grounds in the winter.  The air was crisp and the snow slightly slushy.

We took the train from Paris to Versailles.  The chateau is fairly close and an easy walk through town.  This is the wide street leading up to the front grounds.

The crowds were minimal and I felt very optimistic about being able to take some photographs without the crowds of tourists.  Today's adventure was strictly outside of the building. 

 The main driveway to the courtyard gate was slushy and, because it is on a slight grade, the melting snow was running down the hill.
 The golden front entrance looked beautiful against the overcast skies.
 This view looks back in to the town from the front gate.
 Once inside, we walked through the gate (free!) to the back garden area.  The snow emphasized the ornate design.

 The ponds were frozen.  At first I thought that birds were stuck in the ice, but those black things are pieces of the fountains.

 This is a view looking from the garden.  The floor that is in the middle with the tall windows is for the "Hall of Mirrors".

 Have you been wondering about this golden piece of art?  What in the world is this??  More gold and glitz at the home of gold and glitz.
This is "Oval Buddha" by the artist Takashi Murakami.  Click here to see his exhibit that was at Versailles.
 A close up view of the fountain pieces that I thought were birds stuck in the ice.

 The "grand perspective" view of the lower walkway and ponds is still magnificent in the winter.

 The statues were bundled up to protect against the cold weather and ice.
 One woman braves the elements!  She should put a sweater or coat on, don't you think?
 Looking at the back of the chateau.  I like to visit the Chateau and you can see more detailed information that I've posted.
 It was time to leave the grounds and return to the train station.
 A peak in to one of the fancy rooms.
 The slushy flow on the front driveway.
 A small shop in the quaint town of Versailles.

On a side note, Karl had been advised, while in Rome a week or so earlier, that he should get gloves to go with his new fine Italian cashmere coat.  He said that he did not need gloves as it wasn't that cold. He was from upstate New York and could handle the cold.

Well, with that attitude, I held on to my gloves as long as I could but felt so bad for him and his freezing hands that I shared the pair that I had with me.

1 comment:

Ginan said...

It looks so different in the snow. I still dream about being one of those people who experiences a time warp while being in the gardens....