

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Salton Sea Beach, CA - A Worn Out Beach Town

Salton Sea Beach is on the west side of the Salton Sea, California.  This is a worn town with inhabitants.  We stopped here to get interesting sea salt rotted photographs, but opted to keep moving.

Borrego Springs, CA - Anza Borrego State Park

On the way to the week in Fallbrook, California the road took us through Anza Borrego State Park.  This is the largest state park in California and the second largest in the contiguous states.  It is one of my "grand bloom" spots for the future and I wanted to drive through to get an idea on what was here.

Most of the time was spent with the giant metal sculptures, but I will share this one Badlands view.  The top photo is my trusty red Jeep with the Salton Sea in the background.

The bottom photo is a shot of the Badlands.  Nicknamed "the California Grand Canyon" it has access from a four mile drive over sand.  I took this view from a lookout point on the east side of the park.

Galetta Meadows, CA - Giant Metal Sculptures

This is art and one needs to see it all to appreciate it.  There are 150 sculptures in and around Borrego Springs, California.  We saw about 1/3 of them. Here are some of my favorites.

We stopped at the Anza Borrego California State Park for a park map and information about the artworks.  The rangers gave us a map with dots all over the town.  We drove north on Borrego Springs Road until we thought that we had totally missed them.  I pulled the Jeep to the side of the road and we consulted the map.  When we looked up, we could see brown structures in the distance.  "There they are!"  You turn off the main roads on to any number of sand roads and in to a big field.  And the adventure begins as you drive around and over and back again.

There were camels.

 And what to me looked like an elephant with a squid face.

 More elephant squid things.

 A grasshopper and a scorpion.

 A view from the driver's seat.  Jeep in 4WD!! Woohooo!
 And "The Giant Sea Serpent", the one that I was looking for.

 There are 150...150!!! This is an amazing stop.

The story behind all of this?  The owner of the private estate "Galetta Meadows Estate", Dennis Avery, decided that he wanted to add free standing art to his massive property.  He enlisted the help of Ricardo Breceda who began crafting these amazing sculptures and they started to pop up around the desert. Mr. Breceda often claims that he is done creating the sculptures but then another one pops up in the barren landscape and the speculation continues.  Source for the owner paragraph: