

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Scottsdale, Arizona - Discover India (Part 3 of 3)

The final burst of color from a long day.

Many thanks to my coworkers and friends.  Thank you for including me in these events to learn about India culture.

Scottsdale, Arizona - Discover India (Part 2 of 3)

More from the Discover India festival.

By the way, there is no admission to this festival. Plenty of food for sale at great prices, plus a lot of products and entertainment.  There were two stages for the dancers.

Scottsdale, Arizona - Discover India (Part 1 of 3)

"Discover India" was a feast for the eyes...and my camera!!!  Held at Scottsdale Civic Center Park, it is the signature event of India Association of Phoenix.  It is held every year to promote awareness of India with entertainment and information.  Most, if not all, states of India are represented.

This was the first year that I attended. I don't have identifying information at this time to tell the story of the different states associated with the dances, or what the dances demonstrate. I was there to enjoy the colors and the food!  I narrowed down my photographs to post a broad representation of what I saw.  I still have so many!  There will be three parts to this post set. Enjoy!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Joshua Tree National Park, California - Serious Joshua Trees

When you drive from Phoenix to Las Vegas, you go through an area that is a Joshua Tree Forest.  Well, if you think that those are "trees", you are mistaken. Those are bushes.

THESE trees are TREES!  They are huge!

 Our picnic spot at Indian Cove.
 Lone trees in the middle of boulders.
 More examples of these huge joshua trees.

 We stopped at this rock formation.  It looks like a monkey face.

 Desert wild flowers
 And a final parting shot of a Joshua Tree with big boulders.

 I am sure that there are more things to see in the park, but this was a scouting drive through so I didn't have more than a few hours to explore.  I plan to return.

Joshua Tree National Park, California - Split Rock, Skull Rock and Keys View

The rocks do not disappoint!

 This is "Split Rock".  This is very accessible and quite interesting.

 Skull Rock
 Big vistas from "Keys View".  Drive to the top of the ridge with plenty of parking and facilities.  There is an accessible area for photography and then there is a path that requires uphill climbing that is a little more challenging.