

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Phoenix, Arizona - Hob Nobs Cafe & Spirits

Hob Nobs is a quaint restaurant on McDowell Avenue just west of Central.  You can't miss the distinct exterior of the old house.

They offer a nice variety of breakfast foods and pour a tasty cup of coffee.  The old house is quaint and the many rooms make it easy to find a place to sit and chat.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Phoenix, Arizona - Downtown Bike Share

I noticed this bike stand as I drove to work. It is located on 5th Street just north of Van Buren Street next to the Arizona Center. I decided to walk over and see what was going on. I did a little research when I got to my desk. Phoenix is testing GRID bikes and the city's bike share vendor CycleHop LLC started the on-street test of the rentable green bikes. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Phoenix, Arizona - The Market by Jennifer's

A new independent restaurant opened in the neighborhood this week.  Just happened to come across it on a visit to the neighboring antique store.  Since it was close to Happy Hour, thumbs up on the decision to give it a try.  The first thing that I noticed is that there is a nice porch surrounding the restaurant.  The curtains are needed to keep things warm in the evenings.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Phoenix, AZ - Tovrea Castle at Carraro Heights

The Tovrea Castle has been a landmark in Phoenix since the 1920s.  It was originally designed to be a hotel oasis in the desert, but never made it to the state.  The original designer, builder and owner was Italian immigrant Alessio Carraro.  Much happened over the years, intrigue, mystery, land and cattle barons, etc.  (Read about it on the website at the bottom of this post.)  It survived as a home, quite a large home.

In October I saw an advertisement stating that tours were now available for the Castle.  I rustled up a few friends and family, and a group was scheduled to tour in January.  Our tour was at 8:30am, and I put a call out for a "photography session" to meet at sunrise to see if we could get any golden hour photos.

Here is my view of the tour.  Our sunrise lit a cloudy morning sky.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Paris, France - St. Eustache Organ

The claim is that this organ is better than the one at Notre Dame and Saint-Sulpice. The acoustics are incredible. If you cannot open the video in the email, go to the website.

Paris, France - Dinner at Home

Our final dinner was enjoyed by selecting our favorites from the stores on Rue Montorgueil and dining in. One last taste of baguettes smothered with butter and delightful pastries.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Paris, France - Au Pied de Cochon Fresh Fish

There is a fresh fish stand next to the restaurant. When a sea platter is ordered, the waiter comes here to fill the order. Some things are recognizable, some not.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Paris, France - A Watercolor Portrait by Carol Gillott

I have followed blogger Carol Gillott of Paris Breakfast blog for years as she discussed her adventures in Paris.  She recently moved from New York City to Paris as a way to save travel dollars, since she found herself traveling to Paris multiple times throughout the year.  I decided to connect with her and see if she wanted to have a coffee in a cafe and chat.  She asked if I would like a portrait of the group in Paris.  Mais oui!!

This is the finished artwork.  Continue to learn how it all came together.