
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paris - Becoming locals

Tina and I were sitting on a lovely park bench in Place des Vosges after a stroll through the Marais.  We were people watching, enjoying the warm sun, and feeling pretty local with our scarves gracefully tied around our necks.  I was taking pictures in a series from left to right, panoramic style.  All of a sudden, a real French woman walked up behind us and asked about the camera (in French).  I explained what I was doing (in French!!) with a lot of drama and arm waving.  We carried on a conversation. learned that she was a painter, (I would have bought something right there is she had one) and at the end of it, she said (in French) "Have a great day."  I replied, then Tina replied (YES! IN FRENCH). 

We concluded that we must have looked like locals, sitting on a bench in the park with our scarves blowing in the breeze.  After only 5 days. Paris is amazing.

(PS: A special "Merci Beaucoup" to my French teacher and dear friend, Coco, for her patient and enthusiastic guidance.  And to Joan, for her dramatic take on the language.  All of the conversation practice has really paid off.  You both are awesome!!)


  1. The part about taling with the locals in French is so cool! Good for you to see such a great result from all of your hard work with French classes.

    I'm sitting in my garden right now and getting inspiration from your pictures!

  2. One of the reasons the woman thought we were French was CLEARLY because we were wearing our scarves.

  3. I agree. We looked very French with our scarves, sitting on a park bench in a lovely Paris. I'm glad that we were able to sit down and spend time enjoying the setting. It was added value to have someone approach us as if...


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