

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Snow

So pretty! A perfect blanket of snow covers the grounds, shrubbery around the porch and lightly dusts the car. You can't see them, but soft fluffy flakes were falling.

It was all gone by morning.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Primanti for Lunch

Best sandwiches ever! Topped with fries and coleslaw.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kalen and cousin Ethan

Met with Kip and Paul today, and LeeAnn and hubby Dennis.

Kalen with Pap

Met with Kip and Paul for lunch. Chatted for about two hours. Lee Ann and hubby Dennis also came along with Mom, Kalen and me. Ethan entertained the table with his antics and teased with everyone.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

May you have a wonderful holiday!

This is the front alter at the First United Methodist Church in Phoenix.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sarah Brightman Concert

Kabuki for awesome sushi and Sarah Brightman concert.

The night started early, at 5PM, so that we could take our time with sushi and dinner. The show was at, so we go to the nearby Kabuki restaurant. We tried three new things on the sushi menu (sorry, forgot to take pictures): King Crab Roll, Kabuki roll and a fancy California roll with salmon. For dinner I had to select (again) the Curry Shrimp because the taste is so incredible.

We walked across the plaza, between the double dancing fountains, for the concert. Sarah certainly has an incredible voice, and a duet for the 'Phantom of the Opera' song was worth it all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DeVito's Pizza

Consistent and wonderful over the years. Northwest corner of 52nd
street and Thomas on Phoenix.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Celine Dion from great seats!

She played in the center of the Arena, so all of the seats were awesome. She is quite the performer. Enjoyed the show.

Gordie Brown

Warm up to Celine. He was a very funny comedian who imitated other stars.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Creme Brule At Coco's

Our class had a light dinner at Coco's to celebrate the end of the semester. All brought yummy appetizers and other dishes so snack on. Coco surprised us all with a delightful serving of her home made creme brule.